Love and Relationship

Research in 2001 by sociologist found that teenage crushers and the emotional turmoil of early relationships can lead to depression. Young women in Britain are twice as likely to suffer from depression as young men- especially vulnerable are girls who fall in love before the age of seventeen.

The ancient Greeks thought that the word love means many different things. Consequently they had definitions for different types of love. Such as STORGE- warm affection or liking something for example, I love my guitar. EROS- Sexual affection, passion, desire to fall in love, the word erotic comes from Greek word eros. PHILOS- love of friends and AGAPE-Selfless love for others, including charity, tolerance and respect towards all people or in other words unconditional love.

Falling in love is a two way process. We both receive love and give love. We can fall ahead over heels in love with somebody we fancy, because we are attracted to them. Sometime we fancy someone but are too shy to tell them. Sometime we can tell someone we are in love with them but they just do not want to know. These sorts of experiences can be very painful. They are called unrequited love. Sometime we can call in love with somebody who is not even very nice to us; even someone that all our friends dislike as a person-some time love is blind.

True Love

I Cor: 13 Talk about True Love; Love is patient, love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor concerited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offence. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over other men’s sins, but delight in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit of its faith, its hope and endurance. Love will never come to an end.

Mystical Love

Religions have expressed the ultimate aim of love as union with God which is called Mystical love. Ramkrishnan ( 1836-86) a Hindu saint said; Sex life with a women what happiness is there in that? The realization of God gives them million times more happiness. When a man or women attains ecstatic love of God all the pores of skin, even the roots of the hair, become like so many sexual organs, and in every pore they enjoy the happiness of communion with the ATMAN (Soul)


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