My fellow Bahamians do you know the Bahamas claims to have the highest number of churches per capita in the world. There are over 60 in Grand Bahama servicing 45,000 residents, which means a 750:1 ratio! The Christian Council always says that there are over 3,000 churches iin the Bahamas. Amazing isn't it? But out of 3,000 churches how many of them have a unique website, I mean an "online church". 
I have personally visited many beautiful churches in Nassau, but when it comes to their websites it is a different story.  
The purpose of your church website is to ensure that your mission continues accomplishing what God has placed in your heart. By communicating a clear message and creating ways for visitors to respond to your calls of action, you can rapidly develop new relationships, raise funds, and encourage participation in your church's activities. Only by having your own church website can you accomplish all of these things in one place with your message?

Looking for something specific for your church or looking to donate a website for your church? Let us know and we'll help you from start to finish. 242 have everything in house to develop your site and to maintain your website.



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