It takes a community/village to raise a child. The Chinese proverb is very relevant; Give a child a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a child to fish and you feed him for a life time. Skill development comes by working on it; knowledge comes by open eyes and working hands. Where there is no knowledge that is no power. In the scientific and technological world everyone tries to invent the new media, mobile and web technologies for common social good. Philanthropic organizations work hard to improve and inspire the lives of the poorest people. I have come to realize that people are about as happy as they make up their minds.
Being in the United State as a research student, helped me to know personally some of the brilliant minds in the world. Life is all about creativity and connectivity. Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, and relationships, to meaningful new ideas, forms, methods or interpretations. I had a conversation with a retired Pilipino Dr. today, and he was mentioning to me about a place, where people took five days to travel from one end to another end, but whereas now it takes only 30 minutes drive. The world became a small place. The development has removed the proximity. It is very relevant to talk about this, being near to the house of Right Brothers who invented the airplane. It has more relevance when China thinks of building a railway line to connect between China and United States.  Some time we spent a lot of time to reinvent the wheels.

I remember one of my research guide who told me to read 10 times Pierre Teilhard De Chardin; The Phenomenon of Man, one of the Pierre Teilhard's most important work and contains the quintessence of his thought. If I understand it correctly he will appreciate me, because he read it seven times and found it difficult to comprehend it completely. When I look back this was one of the hardest books I ever read in my ten years of theological journey. When I read the book once I realized that I am not going to go anywhere with it, with my english second language skills.  What I have done is, I changed my strategy.  I scanned most part of the book and converted it in to Word document and replaced the hard scientific vocabularies. I read it again the second time and wrote a summary of that book. My guide said, I did a good job in understanding the book “The Phenomenon of Man”. 

One of the manifestations of stagnation in any country is the inability to produce new and young leadership that will bring a sustainable development. Leadership simply means providing direction administratively and managerially, thereby exercising authorities, influences and commands. Connecting the minds help to create better future and better leaders. 
There are genuine arguments for and against literal, realized, futuristic eschatology in the biblical thought patterns. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream…. “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

In my Pastoral counseling journey, my attempt was to remove the conflict and create a concurrence or connect the mind and body, which means believe your heart but not necessarily believe your mind. You cannot change what you don’t acknowledge. Pooling the resources together keep things easy. I happened to visit Goodwill store recently, the common business strategy in those chains is that, if you don’t want something, there is somebody who needs a used item. What a good way to help someone in the community. Hence, donate your used goods for someone to use it. Then, how about sharing intellectual ideas? An intellectual Goodwill……???????? The dream is to create the future through connecting minds.


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