There is a old saying very prevalent in the corporate world. It is whom you know is more important than what you know. The social capital means finding the value in your social networks or there is a collective value the social networks can bring to create a virtuous endeavor. The collective network is not just a good feelings but wide variety of benefits that follows from trust, information, corporation, respect, courage, patience, discipline, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, and others, and how these virtues, when put into practice, can re-shape priorities, elevate organizational vision and mission, and strengthen economic and social parameters. This new paradigm creates greater long-term value through a type of Capital or Virtues, which redefines the very meaning of corporate success or personal success in the corporate world.

How many of us are doing a conscious business. It is a combination of the Purpose, Culture, leadership and Stakeholders interest. 

Spiritual capital is the quantification of the value of spiritual, moral or psychological beliefs and practices to individuals, groups and society. Spiritual capital is a concept that involves the quantification of the value to individuals, groups and society of spiritual inspiration and practice. Proponents name other capitals like financial capital, intellectual capital, cultural capital and social capital. The spiritual capital builds on recent research on social capital which related with religion is a major factor in the information of social networks and trust. Spiritual capital stands for virtues, divine principles, extraterrestrial guidance and faith which operate within an organization. It also describe the social impact of religion on believers and society generally; it is not about people’s feelings towards religion but the social consequences of these feelings.

Eric H.F. Law in his book Holy Currencies talks about six blessings for sustainable missional ministries. I wanted to introduce them as social capitals. Those six capitals are time and place, gracious leadership, relationship, truth, wellness and money. Have you noticed that money placed as the last one in the order by Eric? Bible talks about different type of capitals. One of them is fellowship or Christian fellowship. The book of Genesis talks about; Let 'Us' make man in OUR own image and likeness. This is God's capital of unity. 

The social capital is the network of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively. In the christian term we call it the TRIBE you belong to. There are many components connected with social capital such as network, long-term relationship, open platform, belonging, safety, reciprocity, participation, citizen power, diversity, value led living etc. What is the name of your tribe. It is difficult to get into some tribe and at the same time it is difficult to get out the tribe network. Readers tribe, writers tribe, theologians tribe, innovators tribe, game players tribe are only few of them.

Now realizing your call relevant to the context and following the Lord includes developing and making use of your social and spiritual capital. Each one is called to explore the capitals we need to to develop to be relevant as a missionary and as a church.

Binu Peniel (C) 2016


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