SOCIO ECONOMIC STATUS SCALE Used in the research designed by G.P. Srivastava (1978)

G.P. Srivastava (1978)
Name :……………………………………………Age:………………………..Sex………………………

INSTRUCTIONS: Various possible alternatives of each question are given in this questionnaire. Select only one alternative which suits you and put sign of multiplication (X) in the square           given against it.

Socio Economic Status Scale: -
1.      What is your education level? (Answer on the basis of examination passed)
a)      Research Degree (Ph.D., D. Litt., D.Phil., etc.)…….………………………………….                 
b)     Technical Degree (Medical, Engineering, etc.) or Post graduate degree
(M.A., M.Sc., M.Com. etc.)……………………………………………………………
c)      Graduate level education (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., etc.)…………………………………..
d)     Intermediate level education (I.A., I.Sc., I.Com., etc.)…………………………………..
e)      High School (Metric, Higher Secondary, Pre-University, etc.)………………………….
f)      Middle School………………………………………………………………………….
g)     Primary School or literate………………………………………………………………..
h)     Un-educated or illiterate…………………………………………………………………
2.      What is your occupation?
a)      High Administrative (Gazetted) Officer, Lecturer, Reader, Professor, Principal, Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, News Paper Editor, Auditor, Bank Manager, Distinguished Artist, Managing Director of an industrial or vocational institution, Owner of a factory or a farm, Honorary Higher Officer, Political leader, Holding Salary (M.L.A., M.L.C., M.P. , etc.)……….
b)     Middle-Class administrative (Non-gazetted) Officer, Middle-Class lawyer or doctor, Teacher of a High School or Intermediate College, Research assistant, Demonstrator, Chemist, Junior Engineer, Commission agent, Artist, Whole-seller or Big shop-Keeper…………………………….
c)      Clerk, Typist, Accountant, Laboratory assistant, Laboratory technician, Primary or middle school teacher , station master,  Guard, Ticket Collector, T.T.E., Press Proof-reader, Supervisor of a factory or mine, Drafts-man, or 3ed Grade servant………………………………..
d)     Motor driver, Enginner, Painter, Compositor, Mechanic, Skilled carpenter or Mason and Worker of other skill………………………………………………………………………..
e)      Officer-peon or other fourth grade employee, Factory labourer, Hawker or Mobile Shopkeeper, Cleaner, Worker engaged in Agriculture or other job or Ordinary mill……..
f)      Watchman, Gate-Keeper, Domestic Servant, Cooli etc. ……………………………….
g)     Unemployment- dependent on others. ………………………………………………….
3.      What is the average monthly income (total income: including income from other sources also)
a)      Above 1,700/-
b)     Between Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 1,700/-
c)      Between Rs. 500/-Rs. 999/-
d)     Between Rs. 200/- Rs. 499/-
e)      Between Rs.100/-Rs.199/-
f)      Below Rs. 100/-
4.      Does your family subscribe to any news-paper?
a)      Daily
b)     Occasionally
c)      Never
5.      Does your family subscribe to any magazine? If subscribed both every week and every month; mention every week only
a)      Every week
b)     Every month
c)      Occasionally
d)     Never
6.      Do you spend money in addition to food and refreshment for your own purpose?
a)      Yes
b)     No
7.      Are you a member of any club (where entertainments are available in the evening)?
a)      Yes
b)     No
8.      Do you participate in the activities of any social, economic, political or religious organizations? Holding any office responsibility like president, Secretary etc.,
a)      No
b)     Member of one organization
c)      Member of more than one organization
d)     Office-bearer of one organization
e)      Office-bearer of more than one organization

Total score:………………….                      SESS Class:……………………………………


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1 comment:

binupeniel said...