Not Yoga but Jesus Christ: As an Indian christian why I don’t practice yoga?
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Cavenomics: Turning Towards Light
Cavenomics Leadership Podcast
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Dr. Binu Peniel
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this is wrong information. Ancient people who did yoga were not Hindu.Yoga started way before the birth of any religion. Yoga and Hinduism are hence not synonymous.
Dear Darrell,
First of all, thanks for the comments.
How far you are willing to go back in the history to find your argument. The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization arguably in Northern India over 5,000 years ago according to some sources.(I don't know if there is anything to support that argument). Technically it is hard to differentiate the origin from the Brahmanic religion.
The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest Hindu text called the Rig Veda. As you know Vedas were a collection of texts containing mantras and rituals to be used by the so-called Brahmans or the Vedic priests. The historic period might have been during the 12- 10 century BC. Again this has the serious connection with the popularized yoga of today.
Yoga was not in any way related with the ancient people of the land (India), it is related to the Brahmanic religion. If there is any relationship between religion and Yoga it has everything to do with Hinduism and Hindu way of life (Brahmanic religion).
There is no Judeo-Christian thinking or philosophical rootedness. My argument in this article is all about pointing that connection to my western Christian readers. Many of them are being blindfolded to practice yoga, thinking that it is a physical exercise. Yoga can't be limited to a physical exercise it is a spiritual practice. The spiritual practice is connected with Hinduism, the modern Brahmanic religion. This is again rooted in the Brahmanic religion just like castism or cast discrimination.
Hope I made my argument clear. Please let me know what you think.
Yoga is a wolf in sheep cloth.
Be careful.
Binu Peniel
Yoga is hindu practice. It's a Sanskrit word. It is one of the six philosophy of Hinduism. Don't try to confuse yoga with your body exercise or gym exercise
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