If we put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water rises, the frog will adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in the temperature. It is only when the temperature reaches the boiling point the frog will not able to adjust it any more. At that point the frog decides to jump out but unable to do so, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature. Very soon the frog dies. The question here is what killed the frog? Many of us would say the boiling water, but the truth is the frog's inability to decide when it is the right time to jump out. We all need to adjust with people, situations, challenges of life. The inability to take the decision and follow the decision while it is not too late is the crucial aspect in life for success. We have to decide when to jump. Let us jump while we still have the strength. We tend to be politically correct and contextualize with the gospel to the extend of compromising the essence of the gospel.
In one of my recent conversation with a graduate from a christian university in Ohio with a bachelors' degree in religious studies mentioned to me his experience in the class room. He said he was taught hinduism by a hindu practicing believer, islam and buddhism the same way. When it comes to christianity the professor in a christian college is not willing to profess his or her faith and only interested in deconstructing the gospel or biblical text without sharing the essence of the gospel.
When Christ call us for His glorious ministry He is inviting us to take a step of faith which involves risk and to stay out of our comfort zone. A turtle never move forward until it put its neck out. Risk is not one of the virtues in life but the testing point in every corner in life.
It is impossible said pride. It is risky said experience. It is pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the innermost self. What voice will you listen today. Take enough risk today and be willing to enjoy the fruit of it rest of your life.
I Invite your comments and feed back.
2015 (C) Binu Peniel
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