Living and growing up in a village of India, failure was not an option for me. When success is your destination I could never settle for failure. Being in this western hemisphere for the last 5+ years, one thing I noticed in the mindset of Americans are their inability to fail.  Many times we are settled for failure because that is the choice we prefer and most of the time it is an unconscious work. When I learned transnational analysis (TA) there is something profound I learned way back in 2005. The script people have and one of them was "work hard and never make it." Is this not a script of failure? Failure is an option when we stop trying and many times stop trying harder. Bible gives us many examples of how to conquer our challenges and obstacles which include our failure script.

A city is an area given with boundaries, authority and a structure of laws to govern by. A city is a living organism that grows, feels, reacts, loves, hates, restores, transforms and dies. A city is a place to be taken over, occupied and controlled. Your city is your purpose, your promise, your God- given assignment in your life. You are the one called by God to create a history in your city. You might have experienced rejection and mockery. Many people might have told you that you are not good enough to achieve or pursue your dream. You might be different, who don't fit into others shoe, prediction and conventional expectations.  I had my first hurricane experience while I was in the Bahamas in 2011 named 'Hurricane Irene.' It was a frightening experience. You will wonder when this destroying wind will come to a stop. Then I know that I have entrusted my life into the fathers care and He is my Captain. The wind can't destroy or take away my life until i complete my assignment in the city. The oppositions in your life should fuel a passion to pursue the purpose in your life.

In the 6th chapter of Joshua God commanded Joshua to take the city and Joshua was given specific instructions. His obedience would determine if he would experience the thrill of victory or a moment of defeat. The body of Christ is in Joshua season or Joshua generation.  To take the city you have to adapt to a new mindset, a new attitude and a new belief system. You will not be able to win your battle with baggage you carry. You need the mind of Christ and a new relationship with Him and His anointing. Jesus is sitting on the throne of grace and he is in control, so let us release the past and take advantage of the opportunities before us and maximize the movement. Stop bringing excuses in life. Excuses are the bricks used to build your house of failure. I am not good enough, I should have started earlier, I don't have enough money, I don't have enough talent, I am too busy, I don't have the support system in place,  no one likes me, no one has ever done this before me, It is not the right time and the list goes on and on.  On the other hand the reality is...

Everything you need to take the city is already in your possession- in your hands and inside of you.  When God is all you have, then all you have is all you need. You only need to activate the power within you. Your attitude determines whether you will take possession of your inheritance, your city or remain as a slave. Stop being an expert of failure. 

Don’t allow your attitude to determine or limit God’s blessing; He wants to go far beyond what you can ask or think.  Your dreams are only the beginning of what the Lord can do in your life. He want to exceed your limited expectations and provide abundance according to His power. We are living in an age when the demand is great for the Body of Christ to recover all that has been stolen by the enemy. Drugs, sexual immorality, crime, suicide, corruption, rebellion, pride, economic distractions, enslavement of our children, persecutions,  etc. etc. I know being in the North American context, I personally discover new frontiers and find myself in unfamiliar territories. Whether you position yourself the three kings are on your way to meet with you. We might born in this world as a failure but we are born again to be winners. I wish 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of joy, 365 days of success and happiness, 8,760 hours of good health, 525,600 minutes of God's grace and 31,536.000 seconds of blessings. Happy New Year 2016 and let this year be an year that you will take over your city. 



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